Marianne Hunziker

Marianne Hunziker

Title: Certified Advanced Rolfer™
Languages: German, Englisch
Focus: Rolfing™, Rolfing Movement™, Somatic Experiencing, Scar Treatment

Schützenmattstrasse 12
CH-4051 Basel
Tel +41 (0)61 261 34 73
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With Rolfing – The Development of Physical Consciousness and Health and Happiness.

The foundation of my professional career is the long-standing and deep-grounded experience in the areas of movement and touch. The basic training as gymnastic teacher and massage therapist (GDS/SBTG) make it possible for me to respond to and address the individual and varied problems of clients. For a number of years, I was also a therapist in pre- and post-natal gymnastics, as well as in vertebra therapy according to Dorn and Breuss. In 2005, I successfully completed the education and training to become a Certified Rolfer (European Rolfing Association, ERA in Munich). I continuously deepen and widen my knowledge through further education in Rolfing-Methodology and Rolfing- Movement.

Very important for me is to strengthen clients regarding their body-feelings, as well as to sharpen the awareness of their strengths and weaknesses.

I would be very pleased to accompany you part of the way during the period of treatment;

A way, which is not always straightforward, but also inviting to relaxation and discussion, as well as to strengthening the personality and self-responsibility for independent well-being.

Many complaints can consequently be eased or even totally eliminated through the treatment.

Member of: European Rolfing™ Association (ERA), Verband für Rolfing™ & Strukturelle Integration Schweiz (IDA) EMR, ASCA, VISANA, EGK


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